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Pyro Classic


More than 40 years as New Zealand’s cleanest, most efficient wood fire. Available in more than 100 colours, you’ll find a colour you love! We are now pleased to announce that this awesome little Pyro is now a certified Ultra Low Emissions Burner (ULEB)!

PYRO FIRES have led the market in efficiency and clean air excellence for more than 30 years and are now a clean air approved Ultra Low Emissions Burner (ULEB)

The Pyro Classic’s unique cylindrical ceramic fire chamber at 35mm thick retains heat like a kiln, a big difference from the industry standard fire bricks, which are incapable of this level of heat storage. This means it is the only clean air-approved fire to provide a genuine 12 hour+ overnight burn.

The Pyro Classic is suitable for homes up to 250m² and provides both radiant and convection heating, and with a 10mm steel top plate, it’s also perfect for cooking. Then there’s the optional, high output 3.7kW wetback, providing you with a sustainable and affordable solution for water heating.

If the traditional black box-style wood fire isn’t for you, the Pyro Classic is all about colour, with a range of more than 100 colours, from bold and bright to classic neutrals.

For smaller homes, check out the Pyro Mini.